We were introduced by a professional matchmaker and first met on a blind date on July 20, 2022. The dinner lasted until the restaurant closed for the night. We were having such a wonderful date we decided to sit in nearby adirondack chairs and continued to talk for a couple of hours. It was truly a fabulous first date.
The next several weeks were a whirlwind of fun and romance. This was something that I (Beth Ann) had never experienced and to be honest it scared me. I just wasn't ready or felt I could be loved and cared for this much. So what did I do? I broke it off with Bill. He would not give up so easily and continued to call and text me so much that I actually blocked him on my phone.
Meanwhile, Bill would continue to text me every so often to say hi and see how I was doing. Every text would show it was not delivered. He knew I had blocked him but he kept trying to check on me. One day about a year later, his text said it was delivered! He thought to himself, Oh shit, what do I do now!
I replied back to him within a few minutes and we continued to text small talk back and forth for about an hour. He said he would love to see me sometime to catch up and I told him I was going to Idaho later that week and would be gone a couple of weeks but maybe we could touch base again when I got back.
We texted a few more times after I returned from my trip out west. Then one day I felt brave and sent him a text to let him know that I had a hair appointment in Buckhead on September 19th and was curious if he would like to grab dinner and catch up. He suggested we meet at Nobu at 6:30. The dinner and conversation went great and we both enjoyed catching up with each other. After dinner he walked me to the valet to get my car and gave me a hug and said he would love to get together again. I replied yes, lets get together again, real soon!
The rest will go down in history as one of the greatest love stories ever. One year later we had dinner again at Nobu, this time with all of our children. During dessert, Bill got down on one knee and said the most romantic and genuine proposal ever. With the entire restaurant watching, I said yes and all of Nobu cheered and wished us the best!
Now, almost exactly one year later, we are becoming husband and wife. We look forward to spending this day with our family and friends and dancing the night away!